"Maori Leaders" Don't Mind Asset State Sales
According to Radio New Zealand some Maori leaders don't oppose further sales of State assets provided Maori are involved.
Sure, holding on to State assets is not in itself socialistic and many State assets are held by State-Owned Enterprises whose primary function is to make profit, not serve the people, but many State assets can or could be used for the benefit of the people. For example people generally have access and can enjoy activities on Department of Conservation land. Also the electricity network and the Government's three electricity companies could come under the control of an organisation whose function is to both assist energy conservation and to ensure that everyone gets electricity when they need it. These things wouldn't happen if State assets were all sold off.
Privatisation can, however, benefit some people - investors. Perhaps this is who these Maori leaders are representing. The bulk of Maori are working-class, ie., they work for wages or salaries, are waiting for a job, are retired or live in families of workers.
The statement was made at a closed-door meeting between the leaders and New Zealand Prime Minister John Key at Waitangi. Since it was a semi-secret session, did the leaders seek the views of the mainly working-class people they purport to represent?
Another worry is that this meeting discussed the ownership of water.
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